Sustainability Strategy: Environmental, Social & Economic
Our Director, Tara Gbolade, led the preparation and delivery of the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (HGGT) Sustainability Guidance and Checklist – a strategy that set practical and technical requirements for the Environmental, Social, and Economic sustainability ambitions for new developments. HGGT was designated a Garden Town by MHCLG in 2018 and is a partnership of five Authorities including Hertfordshire and Essex County Councils - creating 23,000 new homes, community amenities, and social infrastructure, at the heart of the UK’s Innovation Corridor over the next 20+ years.
We are proud to say that the document is considered innovative and was an Finalist at the National Urban Design Awards hosted by Urban Design Group: Link to what the judges said Here.
The Sustainability Guidance will be adopted to carry material planning weight in assessing major planning applications across the district areas. Tara will also deliver planning officer training on sustainability. Link to Garden Town Website
The Sustainability Guidance and Checklist went through public consultation and information on this can be accessed here
images: Nerea Bermejo Olaizola, commissioned by Harlow & Gilston Garden Town